Friday, December 1, 2017

Progress and pictures!

December 1- Mae is doing very well at home as we are all learning new routines and adjusting together. She is a happy, smiley, and precious little girl who loves being held, cuddled, and drinking her bottle! She is getting weekly nursing visits for weight checks and blood draws with follow up appointments at U of M and the Children's Intestinal Rehabilitation team every two weeks. She is continuing to improve and she is gaining weight. We are cautiously optimistic, taking one day at a time as she grows and develops. She is truly a miracle!

Over the Thanksgiving holiday we made our annual trip to Cheboygan to visit my family and everyone did SO during our travels! (Thank God!) We were nervous to venture out with the TPN, the formula mixing, medical supplies, etc... But, we did it and we are SO happy that we did! My family was excited to see Mae and they truly love spending time with the boys. We had an early birthday party for Will and took family photos! It was a great, much needed, getaway.

Neurologically, Mae is following objects with her eyes and reaching for items that she wants: Her pacifier, soft toys, her mobile, her brothers, etc... All of these are great signs that she is reaching her neurological milestones. Prayers for her brain to continue to grow, develop, and make connections are so important. We have a long road ahead with many unknowns but one thing that is certain is that this little girl is loved and cherished by so many people. We are so grateful for the support.


  1. What amazing photos! My prayers continue for Mae and her development. I look forward to the renewal of her Baptism. God's blessings to you in this miraculous season of Jesus birth.

  2. So thankful to be able to journey with you from the "South". Praying for all of you and continued wisdom for all medical peeps involved. What a thankful Thanksgiving and exciting Baby's First Christmas season for your family. Big Hugs - The Atento Family
