Monday, November 26, 2018

Minor setback...

Update: November 26

Mae has a big week ahead- We will be going to U of M on Wednesday to get the results of her MRI from last month and she will also be meeting with the CHIRP team so this post will be short as we will have more information later in the week.

Last week Mae's bloodwork was not good and she had to restart her infusions- Although this was extremely upsetting we realize it is just a little bump in the road and in the grand scheme of life, Mae is doing amazing things. Her cycle is at 3 hours and resumed with the same medicine dose as before we stopped for the few days.

Mae visited Dr. Padesky, her pediatrician, this morning and she is doing very well. After checking her ears, the tubes look good and in place. Her height and weight look good and the new skills she has started doing- clapping, babbling with more sounds, climbing stairs, etc... are all GREAT things that show wonderful progress! We continue to give thanks for the beautiful miracle that Mae is.

More information will posted later this week.

'Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.' Philippians 4:6

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