Mae had her MRI yesterday and Ryan was able to be in the 'tube' with her while they got the necessary images. He gave her a bottle and she was swaddled up by the technicians so as to not move, Ryan said she did fantastic! Thank God! As a result, the radiologist was able to get good images of her brain.
After the MRI, Ryan, Dick, and Mae met with Dr. Garton, our neurologist, in the office to go over the images. Everything looks as though it is remaining stable and fluid levels have not increased! The cyst and her ventricles look good! Amazing news. While in the office, Mae showed off all of her special skills- Tummy time, rolling over, chewing on fingers, smiling, following objects, etc... Dr. Garton was pleased with her progress and said that she is doing great! He believes that she will crawl (Praise God) and that she will walk (Praise God!!) He said that he can see that her neurological pathways have formed because she is lifting her legs, rolling over, and trying to move. This is AMAZING news. She does have delays in some areas (Ex. shifting objects from one hand to the other hand) but this is due to her absent Corpus Collosum which controls and creates the pathways for those tasks. Overall, the appointment was very, very good with excellent and reassuring news.
Knowing that we are doing everything that we can for Mae is extremely gratifying, but, she, herself, is doing so many phenomenal things that the average person may take for granted. It is emotionally overwhelming, and difficult to put into words. She truly is a miracle. As it stands today, Mae is functioning, neurologically, at nearly the best case scenario.
Please know that Ryan and I are grateful for the prayers and support that we have received through this journey so far. We know that Mae's life will be full of more questions than answers, but, yesterday was a great day and a huge step forward for her and our family!
"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." Psalm 139:14

My eyes are wet as I read your post. Our God is great and will hold you up as you continue through your family's journey. The photos with Mae's big smile tell it all.