Thursday, January 11, 2018

Appointment Update

Jan. 11- Mae’s appointment at U of M yesterday went well. The CHIRP (Children’s Intestinal Rehabilitation) team is very pleased with her growth and progress. They wanted to see her gaining an average of 15-21 grams per day and although she is on the low end of weight gain with 15 grams per day, she is still in the desired window. Her weight is in the 53rd percentile and her length is in the 47th percentile. Ryan and I will continue to monitor her weight at home, for now, to see that she is gaining appropriately. Her next appointment with Dr. Steien and the team will be in mid-March. For now, her TPN will remain the same (6:00pm to 6:00am).

We have been given the go ahead to start feeding her non-carbohydrate foods. Mae’s first foods will consist of meat purees. The dietician on the CHIRP team will be in contact with us for other options, which may include: avocados, oatmeal, etc... None of her options will contain carbohydrates and we will be in close contact with the team as this new phase of food introduction starts. We are excited at this step forward and hope to begin experimenting with a spoon and feeding.

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