3 weeks 1 day old- We had a setback for a while. Although Mae was eating plenty, exclusively breast milk, something in her body wasn't digesting it and turning it into calories. Every day after coming home from the hospital she continued to lose weight. At one point, she got into the danger zone having lost more than 15% of her body weight (26 ounces) since birth. As of last Friday, she has now been on a special formula and she is trending upward back towards her birth weight. As of today she is 17 ounces below birth weight still, but is continuing to make up ground and add more and more each day. Stacy is now attempting some very stringent dietary restrictions (no products with any kind of corn, soy, dairy) in an attempt to get Mae back on breast milk soon.
That picture makes me want to cry with such tender looks from Mae's brothers. I am so glad she is gaining weight again. I pray for all of you but at this time especially Stacy who has to make all these adjustments and continue to care and love all of her children. May God's loving and caring arms surround you all.