Saturday, August 12, 2017

37 Week Update

37 weeks 0 days- Stacy went to Dr. McCarren for a checkup on Thursday, her blood pressure was good. However, when they took Mae's heart rate there was an 'acceleration' and her beats per minute were at 185 (WAY higher than the past few readings of 130s). This caused the doctor to request an NST (non-stress test) to measure Mae's heart rate to ensure that it was staying in the range of 120-160. During the NST Stacy was having contractions that were not painful but were present on the test readings. After two hours of testing, we learned that Mae's heart rate was normal and nothing to be alarmed about, however, the doctor was concerned that Stacy was having contractions that could lead to early labor. Due to the heart rate acceleration and contractions showing up on the NST, we'll be going for twice a week monitoring until the baby's arrival.

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